Before you invest a cent, it is imperative that you come up with a plan for your money. We provide you with an extensive and detailed Investment Policy Statement (IPS). Your IPS will address the purpose of your investment, such as paying for a child’s college education or funding your retirement. This information will determine the amount of return you want on your investment, and how soon you’ll need it. The IPS will also address your risk tolerance. Investors that need their money in the short term should shy away from volatile investments that tend to fluctuate up and down. If your goals are more long term, you can enjoy the rewards of riskier investments while having time to recover from the inevitable downturns in the market. There are several types of investment products available, and each has its own set of benefits, risks and fees.
Why Choose Rockfin as your Investment Planning Advisory?
Protect your investments with a comprehensive investment plan.
Preserve your investments, ensuring that they do not fail.
Constantly working to improve your chances of financial success.
How We Can Help
Our investment experts can help you to understand the investment options available to you. We’ll work with you to identify your investment goals, to explain the concepts and importance of insurance, diversification, compounding, and the risks and returns associated with various investment options, the impact of inflation, and an explanation of any associated fees and charges. Committing money today to earn returns in the future isn’t quite as easy as it sounds. To be successful, an investment plan is an essential tool. And, we can help you create one that’s just right for you.
- Understand the basics and explain key financial concepts.
- Assist you in understanding your unique investment needs.
- Ascertain how much money you have to invest.
- Consider the implications on your broader financial situation.
- Determine your liquidity needs.
- Assess your risk tolerance.
- Explain the various investment options available to you within each asset class (Cash, Shares, Fixed Interest, Property).
- Establish clear investment goals that reflect your priorities and time frames.
- Review tax implications associated with the investments.
- Create your personalised investment plan.
- Implement the plan.
- Suggest time frames for periodic reviews and assessment.
Types of Investments:
Do I get some sort of confirmation of my investment?
Yes, an investment pack is sent to you within seven days of receipt of a complete investment application.
What is the difference between actively and passively managed investments?
Passive management is an investment strategy based on tracking an underlying index, with the aim of delivering performance as close to that of the index as possible. An index-tracking fund is therefore constructed to match the specified index.
Actively managed funds are constructed to differ from the index that is used as their benchmark. Following rigorous company analysis, active managers make specific investment decisions with the aim of constructing a fund that outperforms the relevant benchmark. The outcome of these investment decisions will determine whether the active fund performs better or worse than the index.
The fees associated with active management are higher than those associated with passive management.
What are some examples of risks associated with financial markets?
Risks associated with financial markets include uncertainty, volatility, default risk, counter-party risk and interest rate risk. Different asset classes have different types of risk.